Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blame The Caveman

The thing that seems to be getting under my skin lately is, that people are poor at communicating with each other.

They say that the internet and cell phones and all that crap have brought us closer together, or has it just given us an excuse to stay locked up in our little world using it as an excuse not to go out and meet people face to face. I laugh when I see friends out on a date and both of them are on there phones. Yeah you might be spending TIME with them but are you really, even with the person you are texting? Is it really spending time? People will argue yes but I will say NO! To me spending time with a individual is COMMUNICATING. I was always told as a child to look at people on the eye when talking to them, and I find that people do this less.

Another key part of communication is LISTENING, and I've experienced this first hand. My mother the other day said that I always let her know things at the last minute and keep on changing plans, but no its because she does not listen! She is in her own world, Facebooking, Tweeting, and BBMing, between the lot she can't find it in her to listen! So to help her out she created a communication board, where you write down the things any human being would inform their parent about, even though it does not change, Game saturday 8am to 2pm, Training Monday, Wednesday, Thursday pick me up at 7pm, Party Friday sleeping at a mate. I find this totally stupid! Its bullshit that an Executive of marketing and communication for a. NATIONAL fucking company can't listen to her own children!? So now she hardly talks to me and if she needs anything done she will bbm it to me.. Right?

Personally I blame the cavemen for this.. They are the first documented cases of recording events by painting it on walls, and retelling to the kids, stories of great hunts. Communicating, passing down knowledge, by reffering back to the wall of scribbles. Teachers do it now with chalk bored, I'm doing it now by posting, people no learn by reading words and looking diagrams, we have become independent, the world is going to end up like on that Disney Movie Wall-E. Where people are fat and can't walk and communicate via a Skype sorta thing attached to there chairs.

The thing is that we are losing what it means to be intimate, we would hide behind a screen and type than go for milkshakes and talk. But don't get me wrong, I love technology, you just have to ask yourself when was the last time you sat and had a conversation with the person you text to the most

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