Tuesday, May 31, 2011


They say that when God hears your plans for your future he laughs..

Its crazy at this time of my life how much I am responsible for my future, in terms of varsity and everything. I also seem to be thinking about my far future like in the next 15 years. Married to a beautiful wife, two possibly 3 boys driving them to there soccer, cricket, rugby, hockey, whatever.. And watching them play. The other day I was also thinking about the colour scheme of my wedding? Like seriously, all this is really scaring me. Time is really not slowing down for anyone, the other day I was sitting in the stands, watching the 1sts and 2nd teams ripping shit up on the astro and rugby field.. Now I'm one of those guys on the astro..

Now when it gets confusing is that you see things everywhere that contradict each other. "Live in the Now", " 'Hakuna Matata'-dont live in the past"[2] and yet everything in our society today points to looking to the future. We told not to do any of it.. Its so confusing.

So what should we do? Strike a balance? Well yes, but then we won't ever be living for 'this' moment, we will always have in the back of our mind that our actions of today will affect what happens tomorrow.

"God knows the beginning and the end, the stuff in the middle is up to you." Think about that.. Its already written where we gonna end up. So why bother? Good question that? But If that's your attitude you probably going to be another guy at some traffic light with a bored asking for money. The thing is that we have to try live as the best version of ourselves, because I personally think that God has many possible endings for us, and our actions determine where we finish off. I'm sure that's why he gave us the gift of Free Will..

"Life is a journey, not so much to a destination but a transformation"
I heard this at youth the other night. I found this really relevant in my life right now as I'm on and off about finding out where I want to go, and the type of person I want to be. I don't know who I really am now, yes I have a personality but if you had to ask me to describe myself the only thing I would be able to say is that I love sport and I love God. I always thought that its so important where you end up the end product, but I had forgotten about wondering about the person you become in the process. Its all good and well if you rich and have a family but if your a dick your a dick.

Yes you can argue the fact that your destination determines who you are, but what happens first? You find your destination, or find out who you are? Sometimes you have to ask yourself are you the person or the position.

The truth is you have to find a balance between your past, present and future... Its hard, yeah agree, but your mistakes also make you who you are. So learn from the mistakes look to the future and live in the present.

[1] Hello Goodmorning- TI ft Diddy
[2]Timone-Lion King

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