Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Mask

Remember that movie "The Mask"? In it the character that has the mask put it on and turns into this crazy green guy who party's up a storm literally and does a whole lot of crazy shit!

This mask can be metaphorical or like literal, your game face, halloween, tribal cultures use them to ward off spirits or enemies and people hide behind personalities. All in all hiding what you truly are to give an impression of something else.

I have a few people that have masks, or in a blunt manner, are two faced! One of whom you'll never know what stance to take because it changes from hour to hour.

I just don't understand how you could be different around certain people!? Like really! I understand that people use different jargon around different groups of people but don't be two people! What's the point? Really what if one day all your different groups are together and like you don't know who to be? What you gonna do then? If you afraid that people aren't going to accept you for who you are grow the fuck up and live with it, if your are a freak there are probably ten other freaks in your are that do the same shit as you. Stop trying to be someone else and go about being yourself because who are you kidding anyway? Not me because I get irritated at you and really want to punch you in the fucking face regardless of who you are and what gender you are, fuck ill get a girl to punch you in the face for me! Just be mature about it dammit fuck!

The other type that really gets under my skin is similar but you say and act differently around general people. If you going to swear, bitch and be a total idiot at home do it out in public too! What's the point giving a good impression to people that aren't around you all the time? Its not like they give two fucks about what you doing! Really now. Stop putting on a fucking show and be yourself, because the people you live with will know that you an absolute idiot when you go home! Now I understand that in the professional world you have to uphold a certain level of respect and stuff. Yeah that's fine, but don't say one thing and do another for fuck sakes! There is even a brotip about it! Even worse don't act like the perfect person and that you do thing to the tee when you know you are contradicting yourself in the end. Even worse don't contradict yourself then at the end try and be the person you just described yourself to be. That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen before in my entire life!

God made you you for a damn reason! Why don't you live up to it and act like you! For fuck sakes already you just make yourself look like a total idiot if you don't. Its true. I am currently witnessing it been done. Idiots.

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