Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It is what It is

[ar-uh-guh ns]
1. offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

This has been a word that has been used quite a lot lately to describe me. It seems to be popping up everywhere and by every Tom, Dick and Harry. "Aww Kyle you so arrogant" "Your Facebook status are so arrogant" "the way you talk is so arrogant" next thing you know it would be arrogant for me to take a shit!! I mean for fuck sakes! I don't want to lick my own ass but yeah I know I can be a dick at times, I know that I can be cocky, I am confident yes! But that is NOT arrogance!

People find it hard to distinguish the line between arrogance and confidence. I won't lie it is damn hard, but then you have to look at the person and who they are. This is where it tells you what their intentions are.

There are times when I'm arrogant but that's when you question me, when you second guess my ability, when you bring me down so low that I have nothing else, then I hit people with this famous line of mine "I'm not the best, but I sure as hell am one of them!" And even that isn't arrogant! I mean an arrogant statement similar to that is "I am the best so fuck the hell off, who the fuck do you think you are questioning me!".

The sad thing is that a lot of girls that like a confident guys fall for the arrogant one because they are blind to see, or know exactly what arrogance is... Then that forces the good guys to be arrogant, but really if you think about it.. Its bullshit the chick is probably a bitch and the village bicycle.

The thing is that in my case I think people are trying to find an excuse to pull down to what they think my size should be. To try and say hey? What the fuck are you doing there come back down. You are not ready for that that is above your maturity level. One question who the fuck are you to tell me what my maturity level is! You not in my head! To me that's the worst thing you can do to me is call me arrogant, because every bone in my body tries not to be, when I was small I used to get hit for showing off and being arrogant. Why would I do it now? Yeah I am quite good at the things I do, yeah you can see me going further than you ever dreamed, so why tell me I'm arrogant? To limit my potential? Put me back in place? No, its to put me in a category according to what you think a boy of my age should be saying and doing or its because you can see so much potential in me that you don't know what I am that you are seeing me grow but still think I'm 12 that I am accomplishing shit and letting the world know they next and you not having the vocab to describe this.? Pick one its your choice.

We need to start seeing ourselves for who we are and not what people perceive us to be. We need to be comfortable with ourselves and not let peoples complaints and comments push us into a place where we don't want to be. You and God are the only people that know who YOU are.

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