Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blame The Caveman

The thing that seems to be getting under my skin lately is, that people are poor at communicating with each other.

They say that the internet and cell phones and all that crap have brought us closer together, or has it just given us an excuse to stay locked up in our little world using it as an excuse not to go out and meet people face to face. I laugh when I see friends out on a date and both of them are on there phones. Yeah you might be spending TIME with them but are you really, even with the person you are texting? Is it really spending time? People will argue yes but I will say NO! To me spending time with a individual is COMMUNICATING. I was always told as a child to look at people on the eye when talking to them, and I find that people do this less.

Another key part of communication is LISTENING, and I've experienced this first hand. My mother the other day said that I always let her know things at the last minute and keep on changing plans, but no its because she does not listen! She is in her own world, Facebooking, Tweeting, and BBMing, between the lot she can't find it in her to listen! So to help her out she created a communication board, where you write down the things any human being would inform their parent about, even though it does not change, Game saturday 8am to 2pm, Training Monday, Wednesday, Thursday pick me up at 7pm, Party Friday sleeping at a mate. I find this totally stupid! Its bullshit that an Executive of marketing and communication for a. NATIONAL fucking company can't listen to her own children!? So now she hardly talks to me and if she needs anything done she will bbm it to me.. Right?

Personally I blame the cavemen for this.. They are the first documented cases of recording events by painting it on walls, and retelling to the kids, stories of great hunts. Communicating, passing down knowledge, by reffering back to the wall of scribbles. Teachers do it now with chalk bored, I'm doing it now by posting, people no learn by reading words and looking diagrams, we have become independent, the world is going to end up like on that Disney Movie Wall-E. Where people are fat and can't walk and communicate via a Skype sorta thing attached to there chairs.

The thing is that we are losing what it means to be intimate, we would hide behind a screen and type than go for milkshakes and talk. But don't get me wrong, I love technology, you just have to ask yourself when was the last time you sat and had a conversation with the person you text to the most

Seeking Something More

" There are things you wish for before big moments. I wish my friends were here. I wish my parents were different. I wish there was someone who got what was happening, and could just look at me and tell me we weren't crazy, that we weren't being stupid. Someone to say ' I'm proud of you, and I got your back... no matter what.'."
Stick it

I was watching this movie Stick It, its about a gymnast with all the natural talent in the world but she is a sort of rebel, changing from gym to gym, not because of her attitude but because people don't understand her. She then meets this coach that gets her back into it. Her parents are no where in sight when she is down in the dumps and only come into play when she is doing well.

In a way I relate to that character completely, just with different sports. My parents never pushed me to do sports, or like really supported me in it. Yeah they payed and drive me to games and practises but it all came at a price.

The other day I heard a father tell his son that he should fail matric so the he (the dad) could still watch school boy hockey. In my family, never. Everytime I get further with my sport its just more complaints.. And I know that not every family is perfect but like ya. I believe kids are meant to be selfish! I've gotten to the stage where I'd rather have my parents not watch me because I feel that they should rather be doing something els because if they do I'll hear about it, "I sat and watched you play hockey, can you not atleast do...".
The thing is they make it out like I'm forcing them to watch me. When I really just want to hear the words, "Kyle I'm proud of you" never heard them.. Not from my parents.

I scored a hat-trick on the weekend, atleast my father pretends to listen. My mother, brushes it off and gets irritated at me talking about my game. My mom the other day came and watched me play.. Took pictures of her hair blowing in the wind, with her and my bro.. Didn't even know I scored, its what bbm does to you!

"There are things you wish for before big moments."
I want to take you through this tell you what it translates to me.

" I wish my friends were here." - my friends are my family, I don't believe in that blood is thicker than water bullshit. I wish they could see me do what truly makes me happy.

"I wish my parents were different."- want them to support in with who I am and what I've become, to find an interest in what I love and just atleast pretend to want to be involved.

" I wish there was someone who got what was happening, and could just look at me and tell me we weren't crazy, that we weren't being stupid."- I find it hard to communicate with people because very few understand me, no one understands what's going on in my head.. I mean there are people that have figured me out, but yeah. I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing so how could you?

"Someone to say "I'm proud of you, and I got your back... no matter what."- the people you would think matter have never said it. Would be refreshing other than hearing how you fucking up and are a disappointment. Would be nice if those same people had my back.

And as I finish having this pity party, The whistle to start off the first half blows, and fuck it all! I love this game I play and I fucking play it for me! Its what makes me happy! Its why I get up! Its what I live for fuck the world! This is me! This defines the reason I am who I am! This is my sport! And I am one of the best! And fuck you if you don't think so!

As I slot the ball past the keeper I can only think to myself, wow I wish they where here to see that.


What is this, that 7 is the lucky number? Since when? I've been thinking that 3 has to be! Who wouldn't want 3?

3rd time is the charm, 3rd time lucky. 3 strikes your out, 3 goals and you good, 3 substitutes in a soccer game,3 is a crowd, three three three! I realised this tonight when I thought of a comment someone made "between school, sport and church you have no time" which is true.. My favourite chapter in the Bible, Corinthians 13.. Ends off with 3 basic principals.. Faith hope and love..

To me those are the 3 most important things in my life, which consists of sport, school, and church..
FAITH- church, I will do anything and everything for my God.
Hope- school, the foundation for the future I hope to have.
Love- my sport.
I guess you can tie those 3 elements into all 3 aspects of my life, but you see that's just it. The way I look at things at this moment in time are through those 3 elements, Faith, Hope and Love. I believe that those 3 mold things as it is really the foundation of any faith, religion and culture.

The passage then goes on to say "and most important of these is love" which is hard to argue with, because that's who we are, beings that love. Its what drives us. It is us.

So in a world where maths is the be all and end all of everything, the only number we really need is 3, because if you can't define who you are in 3 words, you either lying or don't know who you are!

It is what It is

[ar-uh-guh ns]
1. offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

This has been a word that has been used quite a lot lately to describe me. It seems to be popping up everywhere and by every Tom, Dick and Harry. "Aww Kyle you so arrogant" "Your Facebook status are so arrogant" "the way you talk is so arrogant" next thing you know it would be arrogant for me to take a shit!! I mean for fuck sakes! I don't want to lick my own ass but yeah I know I can be a dick at times, I know that I can be cocky, I am confident yes! But that is NOT arrogance!

People find it hard to distinguish the line between arrogance and confidence. I won't lie it is damn hard, but then you have to look at the person and who they are. This is where it tells you what their intentions are.

There are times when I'm arrogant but that's when you question me, when you second guess my ability, when you bring me down so low that I have nothing else, then I hit people with this famous line of mine "I'm not the best, but I sure as hell am one of them!" And even that isn't arrogant! I mean an arrogant statement similar to that is "I am the best so fuck the hell off, who the fuck do you think you are questioning me!".

The sad thing is that a lot of girls that like a confident guys fall for the arrogant one because they are blind to see, or know exactly what arrogance is... Then that forces the good guys to be arrogant, but really if you think about it.. Its bullshit the chick is probably a bitch and the village bicycle.

The thing is that in my case I think people are trying to find an excuse to pull down to what they think my size should be. To try and say hey? What the fuck are you doing there come back down. You are not ready for that that is above your maturity level. One question who the fuck are you to tell me what my maturity level is! You not in my head! To me that's the worst thing you can do to me is call me arrogant, because every bone in my body tries not to be, when I was small I used to get hit for showing off and being arrogant. Why would I do it now? Yeah I am quite good at the things I do, yeah you can see me going further than you ever dreamed, so why tell me I'm arrogant? To limit my potential? Put me back in place? No, its to put me in a category according to what you think a boy of my age should be saying and doing or its because you can see so much potential in me that you don't know what I am that you are seeing me grow but still think I'm 12 that I am accomplishing shit and letting the world know they next and you not having the vocab to describe this.? Pick one its your choice.

We need to start seeing ourselves for who we are and not what people perceive us to be. We need to be comfortable with ourselves and not let peoples complaints and comments push us into a place where we don't want to be. You and God are the only people that know who YOU are.


They say that when God hears your plans for your future he laughs..

Its crazy at this time of my life how much I am responsible for my future, in terms of varsity and everything. I also seem to be thinking about my far future like in the next 15 years. Married to a beautiful wife, two possibly 3 boys driving them to there soccer, cricket, rugby, hockey, whatever.. And watching them play. The other day I was also thinking about the colour scheme of my wedding? Like seriously, all this is really scaring me. Time is really not slowing down for anyone, the other day I was sitting in the stands, watching the 1sts and 2nd teams ripping shit up on the astro and rugby field.. Now I'm one of those guys on the astro..

Now when it gets confusing is that you see things everywhere that contradict each other. "Live in the Now", " 'Hakuna Matata'-dont live in the past"[2] and yet everything in our society today points to looking to the future. We told not to do any of it.. Its so confusing.

So what should we do? Strike a balance? Well yes, but then we won't ever be living for 'this' moment, we will always have in the back of our mind that our actions of today will affect what happens tomorrow.

"God knows the beginning and the end, the stuff in the middle is up to you." Think about that.. Its already written where we gonna end up. So why bother? Good question that? But If that's your attitude you probably going to be another guy at some traffic light with a bored asking for money. The thing is that we have to try live as the best version of ourselves, because I personally think that God has many possible endings for us, and our actions determine where we finish off. I'm sure that's why he gave us the gift of Free Will..

"Life is a journey, not so much to a destination but a transformation"
I heard this at youth the other night. I found this really relevant in my life right now as I'm on and off about finding out where I want to go, and the type of person I want to be. I don't know who I really am now, yes I have a personality but if you had to ask me to describe myself the only thing I would be able to say is that I love sport and I love God. I always thought that its so important where you end up the end product, but I had forgotten about wondering about the person you become in the process. Its all good and well if you rich and have a family but if your a dick your a dick.

Yes you can argue the fact that your destination determines who you are, but what happens first? You find your destination, or find out who you are? Sometimes you have to ask yourself are you the person or the position.

The truth is you have to find a balance between your past, present and future... Its hard, yeah agree, but your mistakes also make you who you are. So learn from the mistakes look to the future and live in the present.

[1] Hello Goodmorning- TI ft Diddy
[2]Timone-Lion King