Sunday, October 9, 2011

Psychology Isle

I was in the book store, believe it or not and I was just taking a look at the reading trends.

Looking through the shelves I noticed that in the teen section things are still all about vampire romance, I saw a hole lot of diaries for 2012 and decided to go visit the Psychology section. Thinking that it would have books on how the mind functions and how to control thought and thought processes. Things like that. To my surprise and disappointment I noticed all these self development books, the common trend here was "Success". The common trend among us all is success.

Again I noticed that all the books where focused on making money. I had a little chuckle at myself. A brotip came to mind "#1144 money can't buy happiness, it can buy music. Close enough.". Bam it hit me. People are fooled by the money = success idea. It kind of does though.

I went out and asked a few of my contacts on B.B.M. what success means and almost every answer came back with the idea of being financially stable. Having that job, living a comfortable lifestyle. Also having a family came up often, but is it possible with out money? Yes it is. Will you be contempt raising a family on a low salary? Probably not. No happiness = no success!

So with out this stable financial environment, we are unable to be completely successful? You could compare it to soccer, possession- successful, attempts at goal- unsuccessful. Did they win the game? Probably not. Unsuccessful fixture. Get where I'm at?

So what I am saying is that no matter where your morals lie, no matter how many times we deny the fact that money rules our life. We are all driven by this instinctive need to be successful, to live in a perfect comfortable environment. Which can only be made possible by money. So believe it or not, money actually has us by the balls! How much it actually controls your success is then determined by your view of success, living the humble or material life.

So everything we are doing right now is to have money, so that our life can function. Believe it or not!

The end of the day success is pretty different to all of us, but the common theme is that we want to live comfortably and have a family. We want to support ourselves with out having the issue of worrying about not having money.

So in actual fact money might not be able to buy happiness, but it does play a key role in being happy! Who would have known?


Success for me is having a wife and kids living comfortably, within our means. Not to have stress with financial problems. And watching my kids grow up on the Christian path. If I achieve that. I will be successful.

Thanx to the people that answered my questions!

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