Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Do I Get Any Change With That?"

I asked this question at a shop the other to know if I should put my wallet back in my pocket or not. The answer was yes.
The thing is that there will always be change, nothing stays constant. So it's kind of pointless fighting it, we just got to accept and go with the flow.

Personally a lot of change had gone on in my life over the past four or so years, having my dad walk out and all that jazz. Although this might affect some people, truth be told I never liked my dad anyway (apparently I'm a good judge of character), but it never really hit me. This I can owe to my mother who tried her hardest to keep our lives unchanged. Then the day came when something had to give. The house was sold and we where moving. The weekend before we moved was when it hit me. Flat in the face. When I had to carry my two Huskys Jack and Maya and put them into the back of a bakkie that would take them to a farm, where they would help Rehab patients. That was the day that I wanted to literally punch my father in the face until... Yeah.

I'm a total dog person. Give me any dog and I'll enjoy them. I've always grown up with dogs. The ones that where special to me where Bonnie, Bishop, Jack and Maya. They where my dogs.

Bonnie was there from the day I was born. She was a cross breed of German Shepard and Great Dane, she was beautiful, my mom told me of how she introduced me to her and Clyde. Apparently the one day I was crying and Bonnie came into the house and sat by my cot. Then didn't want to let my mom near me because she was so pissed off that she would let me cry. I watched home videos of me chilling in the back yard with two massive dogs on either side, sometimes hanging on their ears! I even remember going out and eating their chunks with them, feeding them with my hands and having a nap with them in their kennel.
Bonnie was still around when my brother was born, Clyde had died and we got a pure bred magpie Great Dane named him Bishop because he had a white dot write on his neck like a Priest! My brother would crawl around the back yard and mess with the puppy Bishop! Bonnie watching over, if my brother got too close to the pool or anything dangerous Bonnie would nudge him away. We where always safe.

Bishop was a nut! Like a huge horse clumsy looking. Always had this happy trot about him and when he lied down he would cross his front paws, a very civilized gentleman he was! He used to watch the football with my dad and I and go absolutely mad when I screamed for a goal! The one day we baked this awesome bread from scratch on the braai, it smelt amazing! Left it to cool in the kitchen! Bam next thing you know its gone! Bishop helped himself!

We picked up Maya from the SPCA. A beautiful hazel Siberian Husky. One pale blue almost white eye and a hazel eye. Bishop and Maya two peas in a pod! In separable. I remember when we brought Maya home, she was scared shitless! She hid under the shed for a week. On a Saturday Bishop and I sat there literally the whole day and waited for her to come out. Bishop thought he did something, the guy looked so bleak! We eventually got her out. Bishop was the type of dog you didn't have to put on a leash, in fact the one day he went for a stroll and the lady from up the road found him and he showed her the way back home! You couldn't separate the two, they would cry incessantly. One day Bishop stopped eating and lost a hell of a lot of weight, we took him to the vet and he had cancer. Saying bye to him was really hard. He didn't want to come back home, he didn't want to put us through it. Maya cried for weeks.

Jack was another Siberian Husky from the SPCA. Same eyes as Maya, he was black! My dogs actually used to talk to you! In this howling like thing and you could reply back and they would reply! Jack picked this up very quick and let me tell you this dense guy was amazing to talk to! Within the first week he ran out the gate, and across Comaro road getting knocked twice then back up into until the fool realized he got hit then started limping! My heart sank.. I ran to him carried him home and noticed he was bleeding, I cleaned up the cut on his paw, and after getting knocked by two cars you'd expect him to be broken? We where pulling out the car to take him to the vet and where is Jack? Running around and jumping like nothing happened!
Maya and Jack, laziest Huskys if ever, they hogged the heater in winter, hogged my blanket! Licked my face at 5:30 every morning. Most importantly Licked my tears away during the hard times.

Those guys above where MY dogs, you did anything to them and I'd have your head! Haha, unfortunately as a result of selfishness something did happen to them. I still struggle to fall asleep knowing that there is no extra warmth in my bed, no one to share my food with, it kills me to throw away braai bones.

Seeing Jack and Maya in the back of that bakkie last year is what ripped me to pieces. Yes, that day changed my life. That day I realized that my dogs where the only constant in my life, my strong hold. I could lose everything in my life but as long as I had them I'd be fine, never did I think there would be no one barking when I got home. No protection.

 "A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see."
— John Grogan

Yes I got change with my purchase. Not the type I wanted, but change none the less. So now moving again, I can't help but get pissed off at my father, I don't know if I'll ever forgive him for his actions resulting in me losing my dogs. Only time will tell.

"Change is inevitable, so shut your mouth and deal with it!"- Kyle Reddy.

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