Sunday, October 16, 2011


The amount of times I've said that the person that writes a book on how a woman work will make millions, billions even! He or she would be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner, for their contribution to humanity!

So, this is not my shot at winning the Nobel Peace Prize, because you'd end up getting some women rights activist knocking at my door at some random hour in the morning, ready to chop my balls off because how dare I stereotype a female?! The funny thing is that its true, you know that it will probably happen. Women are like that. Whatever they supposed to be, they just can't settle.

Ok this is going to sound really sexist but women always got this point to prove, that they can compete with men, that they can stay equal. Why? What's there to prove? The thing is that we just let you'll think that, I mean let's be real the whole thing about "a women's place is in the kitchen" bullshit, let's get real. The best chefs in the world are men. We just let you'll think that you'll own us at something, but really no.

Ever gone shopping with a woman? Seriously, how long does it take to pick out clothes? Its the most frustrating thing in the world! They spend hours on end trying to find the perfect look, then return it after they get home because they have changed their minds. And their votes count? They can't decide on a pair of shoes, how the fuck are they supposed to choose a president?!

Ok let's get serious now, a women place in the world is a vital one, to humanity as a whole. Like let's be honest life would be a solid joll if it where us guys chilling around a braai, with a beer watching the Football on a Saturday afternoon. And then what?

The truth is that men cannot function without a woman by their side. "Behind every good man is a great woman" - (can't remember who said that) I mean while I may rant about how long it takes a woman to shop, I wouldn't be able to shop for my self, clothes would consist of gym shorts and a t shirt groceries would be chips, chocolate, tuna, mayo and two minute noodles.

The heart of a woman is something else aswel, its so pure, so soft so loving. The endless amount of love and affection a woman has for things around them is beautiful. As long as us men live we will not be able to function without the influence for a woman.

Guys the truth is that women are really complicated beings, and that's why no one has figured them out. Because firstly if they did that book would be too thick for someone to consider even reading, and that each person is different. While us men are simple beings (yes its true), women aren't they function in different ways. They have got to feel challenged by you, at the same time feel small and safe in your arms.

We as men are indebted to women, first of all our mothers second of all they give up their life to be apart of yours. Isn't that amazing? Women are not equal to us, its true, they are way more superior, they are complex. We men have just got the fact that we better at sports, physical things. We are arguing that we are more Neanderthal like then them? Really.

Women deserve more than what we are actually giving them credit for. Although it wasn't a women that came up with the theory of E=mc2, it was a woman who carried that child for 9 months.

I think I've figured out the obsession of women for that Edward Cullen vampire guy. Its not that he is a blood sucking funny looking parasite, but that he is old school, he is a proper gentleman. We might see it as corny but hey if girls like it then why not?

So guys, let's stop this neanderthal idea that woman are there for a place to stick your dick, and let's be chivalrous. Let's give women the best MEN that we can be, not the douches that we believe we should be. "Having a dick makes you male, not a man"- brotip #836

And for the ladies, I believe that the prettiest a woman looks is when she doesn't try. Keep it simple. Natural beauty is best. "Girls shouldn't be finding the one guy that they can lose their virginity to, they should be looking for the one that will help them keep it" - unknown.

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