Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Backpacking Through Ballito

Ok so I know a lot of my posts have been soppy shit and things that are really emotional and deep. This is not a post like that, this post that follows is a experience I had just a couple days ago, new years eve 2011 to be more specific. Probably the craziest thing I ever did.

So the plan was to meet with my cousins and head down to a house in Ballito my eldest cousin Cammy organised . We intended to have a braai and drink ourselves broken and usher in the new year.

And this is what happened...

December 30th
Get a BBM message from Tyrone (my long time best friend) to ask what I'm doing for new years eve and I tell him "the plan". This is where is began. I just after that conversation I learned that my uncles where heading to Ballito on Saturday (new years eve) because its nice and safe for little ones with all the rock pools and shit. So I figured why wait till 9pm for my cousins to pick me up? I could get to Lito where everyone was, spend the day then jam with the cousins and Ty when the sun goes down. Thus cued frantic BBMing and plan making..

New Plan
Head to Ballito with my Uncles and Tyrone and spend the day there then join my Cousins at their beach party.

Saturday 31st

Woke up bright and early to watch the Sun rise. Fuck knows why seen as I watched Liverpool whack Newcastle 3.1 till about 1am. I couldn't go back to sleep. I arranged for Ty to meet us at Gateway at 8am and we would pick him up and then drive to Lalalalalal LITO!!!

Unfortunately between my gran and me getting lost in Gateway I only got Tyrone at 9ish.. Sorry bud.

The trip to Lala land was on! In the car! whack loaded about R700 in my pocket, a quart of Smirnoff and ready to dop hard!

Arrive in Ballito and set up the shit for the family and give Luis Sinho Dos Santos a call, mother fucker still snoozing. Anyway he drives to where tyrone and I are, we just about greeting him and a cop car drives past and Luis ducks, causing suspicion cop requests license.. Fuck nut Dos Santos left it at his place. So I lend him my shorts because he is still in his PJs and we walk the length of Lito to his place say "Awe" to his older boet Anthony Meyer and walk back to the car. About 30min in Lito and we getting attention from the cops.

This was now the pivotal point in the weekend where Ty and I decided to buy tickets for the Ballito street party. We had the cash, we had the time , we where there. Why the fuck not??!

Tickets in hand now walking the mainest people alive.

Head to the beach for a little swim and Luis had to meet someone for lunch so Ty and I decide to look for a place to eat, about an hour in we get a life saving phone call to head back to my family for chow. Pizza.

Note that all the while Tyrone and I decided to take various routs to see what's happening around Ballito.

After Pizza we where keen to watch the United game. To bar searching begun.. More walking! We found the area where the party would be held and shit. Unsuccessful in our ventures we decided to go back to my family and just relax.

Relaxing took all of 10minutes when Claire Flowerday gave us a shout to come join us for a drink. It took another 10minutes for Ty and I to contemplate if our legs would carry us the distance. She said this bar was "Near the city center" now one would think this is where the party was, because the party was in the City Center. No this bar was literally across the road from where Ty and I where sitting! Unknowingly we walked right past it and thus again walking Ballito! When we found this bar a whole lot of rude words where used to describe our stupidity. So we ended up joining Claire for a drink!

Now begins the crazy part! We had about 5 hours still to kill and where completely alone. Scary.

New Plan
Kill 5 hours, charge phones, get food head to the party! Easy eh?

How we did it, broke into Luis hotel and saw his bro home, asked Meyer if we could borrow electricity and bam! Chargers!

Swam in that hotel pool killed about two hours.

Luis arrived home but wouldn't be for long, we had about an hour more till he was gone, Ty and I had to be ready to joll so we could leave our bags inside his house.

We decided to have a shower in the beach showers, cold water, no soap. As we where rinsing ourselves off a chick joined us if I remember her words correctly "Do you mind if I jump in with you?" HOT!!! Ran around to the bathrooms, got changed, started smell decent we pocketed our essentials and off we went dropped our shit at Luis and headed to the party.

Our walking to the party brought up many unlikely events. First of all it was pissing down and a tad bit chilly, but this was the least of our concerns. I was starting to stress about this fucking quart we had carried around with us the whole day, and Ty was getting hungry!

The problem with the quart was that we needed a bottle opener. So we asked people who had set up camp in their cars on the side of the road. We came across a really drunk but friendly group of people and they lent us the opener. However this one chick had other thoughts, she wanted to show us how to open it with a lighter, a fucking lighter! That was legit! We got talking and I discovered that one of those chicks where my mate Ashley Archers aunts! Haha like what the fuck right!?

Opened quart of Smirnoff, shitting now because there are cops everywhere! Wasn't keen on getting busted. So for supper we carboloaded on slop chips and rolls, and bought lemon flavor vitamin water. Transferred the Smirnoff into that and I tell you it looks exactly the same!

Tyrone and I chilled on the side walk waiting for Claire Lawrence and her mates and going over our alternate identities to pick up chicks(for my lonely ass). Eventually we got restless..

We headed in.................

Oh my fuck!! As we walked in the we couldn't contain ourselves!! Our smiles where so big they where growing off our face! Gareth Cliff was on the decks fucking shit up to the extreme! First round of drinks and we went and danced like idiots but "who the fuck cares??" That became our motto for the night.

There was this oldish lady about 40, dancing infront of us wearing nothing but short shorts and a bikini top. Haba haba her tits where fucking amazing! Milf to the max!

We discovered this club incorporated into the party, Shakers, drinks where cheaper, hot bar tenders in bikinis, crowd wasn't too insane, glass bottles and most importantly proper toilets! Ty and I went in and out of that place so often the bouncers started to recognize us and treated us like VIPs..

Midnight was closing in fast, every time I asked tyrone how much longer he said 5minutes, I've been asking him that for the last hour? We still hadn't found Claire and Mikky but hell, we tried to find other chicks to have the first shot of Vodka for 2012 with us. Asked 6 chicks, got rejected by 4. Not bad.

Midnight struck, there I was pissed, drenched in alcohol and rain, dancing my fucking legs off with my best mate. Priceless.

We sent out a few SMS's and Ty called his chick. We decided to head back to the main dancefloor to fuck shit up and finally ran into Claire, Mikky and her brother (don't know his name). Wished them happy New Year, headed back to Shakers, skipped the cues stood at the bar for like 30minuts wanting to buy shots, made friends with this decent looking chick. Told her I was a writer for a UK based tourism agency. So I go on holiday and write about it. I was 21 years old and still studying through correspondence. She seemed interested and started making solid moves toward me, touching whispering she even bit my ear, I noticed a ring on her finger and was like "and that?". Bitch was married! 30 years old! Fuck! Funny as shit but Fuck! Told her I was with that hot blond, pointing at Claire, bought the shots and fucked off back to the group.

Shot Claire! You saved my ass!

After that usual shit happened, had a smoke, took a piss bought more booze, found Parktown okes.

Fresh was on the decks then came on and said something, I don't know but we all screamed, then said "You people are fucking drunk". Love that guy! Party was closed. Had to head somewhere to crash. At 4am!

Walking down Compensation Beach road at 4am, pissed was fucking fun! We had to get back to Luis to pick up our shit, yeah break into the hotel for the 5th time. We did so, Ty passed out in the foyer because we where waiting for Luis to get back. After a while it dawned upon me that he was already back, got Ty up lifted me on his shoulders, woke Luis up through the window and got our shit and left. We found a lot of people chilling on the benches along the beach so we joined them.

As the sun rose for the first time in 2012 it dawned upon me that we had accomplished something insane. I had headed down to Durbs with no other plan but to head to Ballito for New Years eve, that's about the only thing that went according to plan. Crashed on the bench.

Now that I think about it, I've been trying to be so in control of everything for the past couple of years that when it doesn't go according to plan I freak out.

I decided then and there what my New Years Resolutions where:
And probably the most important one, let the fuck go! "Do your best and God will do the rest" just got to surrender.

I'm shitting myself for 2012 I won't lie, last year I fucked up a lot of things. It's literally now or never but I got this crazy sense of accomplishment from this trip, no accommodation no real plan. So why should I shit myself for the structured environment where there is a method to success?  

Tyrone my boy! That night was almost perfect, and you know what was missing but to be honest, I couldn't have asked for a greater night and a greater person to start this monumental year off with.

Claire and Mikky shot for making Ty and I not look like gays! Looking forward to many more similar jolls in the year to come!

2012, Let's fuck shit up!

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