Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Knock Knock

This blogging thing has been a really awesome experience for me. Initially it was an avenue to get rid of pent up frustration and just rip people off but it has evolved.. It has evolved into a place where I can analyse things, people, behaviors and myself.

The highlight of my blogging career was on the 26th of October 2011 when I posted about the Babalas Enoch. I got 95 hits. Now for some its not that many, but when you are averaging at around 10-20 per post and you crack 95 in a matter of hours is insanely huge! So just a word of thanks to everyone reading my blog. I know that I don't get money out of it but it brings me a sense of satisfaction that people from all over the world and from different walks of life are reading my thoughts on a page.

I remember when I was younger I had to write an English essay about the life of a coin. There are always things that change your outlook on life, and I believe that that essay did change mine. In the essay I put myself in the position of the coin and told the story of its life. From when it was minted feeling all good, to a time when he was abandoned on the street and even at one stage fulfilling a little girls dream when she woke up and found that the Tooth Fairy had left this coin under her pillow in exchange for her tooth!

After writing that, I never looked at a coin the same, I look at the date it was minted and I'm in awe at what this coin must have been through, what its witnessed and what its experienced. Who has held this? Could this have been in the hand of Mandela? Or even a drug lord? Its crazy if you think about it.

Its not only coins though, pebbles on a river bank, a old car, old tire. Everything has a story! Including you and me!

That's the one thing I love about this big beautiful blue planet! That you and me are so different, like a coin we have our own experiences, our own scars. We are a list of individuals, unique but yet all the same and this intrigues me quite a lot.

I have a story to share, like you have read. I've had experiences but they are probably so much different, or so similar to yours! You might not want to admit it but we as human beings are really quite similar!

What fascinates me even more is that there are people that are reading this that I probably have never met before, people that I probably will never meet. And it kind of kills me to know that 'Thought Simply Thought' is an extension of myself, some of the stuff is really intimate and I don't know who you are? Don't get me wrong it does bring me a weird sense of joy knowing that strangers read my blog.

What I really want to know is how did you find this particular blog?? I want to know your story! Please?

Drop me an email kylereddy0@gmail.com
Or follow me on twitter (my name is in the blurb under the title.)

'Knock Knock'
"Whose there?"  

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